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01.04.2014, 19:48 Uhr

I trying to repair A5120 5¼-Zoll-Variante, alt.

I try to start it with:
Slot1 (left) - K3526 062-8600 OPS64
Slot2 - K5122 062-8250 AMF
Slot4 - K2526 062-8110 ZRE
Slot5 - K7024 012-6820 ABS

When I have started repair, after power on, A5120 try to find boot disk: LED on each disk drives turn on for one second and turn off. And I can hear 'beep' sound during access to drive A. But all drives motor turn off.
All drives has locked spindle motor. And 'beep' sound produced by motor of drive A. I have repair this motor (I have moved magnet inside motor back to center; it still work with 'beep' sound).
Now when I power on, computer try to find boot disk. If disk inserted into drive A and door is locked computer try to read disk and never stop access to disk.
But, if I move AMF to slot 3, computer turn on each drive only for one second and stop it.
Which slot correct for AMF?

And second question: did ABS start generate BSYN signal for monitor after power on or it need load software from disk before? I can't see any signal on BSYN and VIDEO pins (by oscilloscope).

All six LEDs on the 'watcher' board are on. Power is good (+4.96V, +11.96V).
I have removed ASS board (K8025,062-8440) because it is broken - A5120 don't try to find boot disk then ASS board inserted.

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 01.04.2014 um 19:50 Uhr von dk_spb editiert.
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01.04.2014, 19:58 Uhr
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dk_spb schrieb
Which slot correct for AMF?

Not specified.
There are some wire chains starting and ending at the CPU and going through the boards. These chains should be closed.
Check the backside of the slot unit for wires.

And second question: did ABS start generate BSYN signal for monitor after power on or it need load software from disk before?

Don't need software to start.
Kernel panic: Out of swap space.
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01.04.2014, 20:03 Uhr

Vielen Dank.

>Don't need software to start.
Bad news :-(
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05.04.2014, 22:35 Uhr

Could anybody advice me:
I have A5120 with AMF (062-8250).
Manual bedienhandbuch_a5120.pdf said that 1st track must have 128 bytes sectors.
But I have disk image (.td0) with 16 sectors x 256 bytes.
Can A5120 boot from this disk?
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06.04.2014, 02:16 Uhr

I sent you an image, which is bootable. But may be, the boot process stacks up, because hardware trouble. The system must correct generated according the hardware of A5120 (type of floppies, serial or parallel keyboard etc). Otherwise it could be, that you are not able to type in something.
viele Grüße
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06.04.2014, 12:16 Uhr

ambrosius, thank you very much, but my A5120 have K5600.10 (MFS 1.2) drives and it can't boot from double sided disk.

I have disk image SCP1520 (SCPX1526 v1.1 52k; 40 tracks, one side, 16x256).
But I can't boot from it. I have reformat image to 26x128 (only 1st track, but I think that is enough for start loader which will clear screen). No success.
I have replaced FDD (80->40 tracks) at my PC. No success.

I think my AMF is bad, but I don't know how check it.
Could anybody explain me that A5120 do if it can read disk, but disk data is wrong (not loader or incorrect disk format)?
My A5120 don't stop access to disk and don't try to move head from Track00 (if I manually move it to another track - it returned to 00 during reset).
May be it is interrupt problem?
Is it enough to read track00 for start Loader and clear screen?

And one more question:
I have bad ASS card (K8025; 062-8440). Computer don't try access to disk (I think don't start) if I insert ASS into slot 2. But no problem with disk access if I insert ASS into slot 6 or 8. Does it mean that no problem with address and data buses? Does it mean that problem in interrupts lines?

Please help me repair my A5120 :-(

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 06.04.2014 um 12:40 Uhr von dk_spb editiert.
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06.04.2014, 12:22 Uhr

Photos of my A5120:
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06.04.2014, 13:50 Uhr

There should'nt any empty slot from left side to the last pcb. They are in right order according your photo no. 2. It could be, that there are the interrupt chain or I/O-chain is not closed (see @001).

Best regards

edit: I sent you an detailed e-mail
viele Grüße

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 06.04.2014 um 14:07 Uhr von ambrosius editiert.
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06.04.2014, 14:05 Uhr

ambrosius, thank you for you answer.
How I can close chain?
Move RAM card from slot 1 to slot 2?
Or may be I can short something pins on backside?
Which signal in chain? IEI and IEO or other?
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06.04.2014, 14:08 Uhr

Sorry, you were faster than I. Please see my e-mail to you.
viele Grüße
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06.04.2014, 16:13 Uhr

If diskette is blank, did A5120 stop access to disk after some time (timeout)?
Or still trying to read it till power off?
Update: now my A5120 stop access after timeout and try to read next drive.
I think my AMF has bad "read" part.

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 06.04.2014 um 17:13 Uhr von dk_spb editiert.
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06.04.2014, 20:38 Uhr
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dk_spb schrieb
Could anybody advice me:
I have A5120 with AMF (062-8250).
Manual bedienhandbuch_a5120.pdf said that 1st track must have 128 bytes sectors.
But I have disk image (.td0) with 16 sectors x 256 bytes.
Can A5120 boot from this disk?

Depends on software version of boot rom.
Kernel panic: Out of swap space.
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06.04.2014, 20:50 Uhr

Rüdiger, thank you!
You mean ROM in AMF, or ROM in ZRE?
does it possible get last version?
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06.04.2014, 21:57 Uhr
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dk_spb schrieb
Rüdiger, thank you!
You mean ROM in AMF, or ROM in ZRE?
does it possible get last version?

ZRE of course.
Kernel panic: Out of swap space.
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21.04.2014, 20:52 Uhr

Oh, I still need help.
My A5120 try to read all drive and can't boot.
I have use logic analyzer and found that few databits is always 00 (at system slot).
I replaced one 8216 (A7).
Now all databits is OK. But CPU don't like to process command.
This is screnshoot of analyzer (alb and ahb=address low/high byte).
CPU just started. Standard ROM code:
0000 nop
0001 ld bc, $0800
0004 ld d,c
0005 ld e,c
0006 ld h,c 61
0007 ld l,c 69
0008 ldi ED A0
000A dec hl 2B
000B jp pe, $0008 EA 08 00
000E xor a AF

I can't see any load/write memory durind LDI.
And jp pe doesn't work :-(

Does it possible that CPU can be broken like this?
I have checked that that both sides (system bus side and CPU side) of A6 and A7 (8216) has the same signals during read code from ROM.

Dieser Beitrag wurde am 21.04.2014 um 20:53 Uhr von dk_spb editiert.
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21.04.2014, 21:04 Uhr

I have changed 8216 to K589AP16. It is OK?
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01.05.2014, 19:33 Uhr

Dear friends,
Thank you very much for you support. Today I have booted my A5120 from SCP1520.TD0 (152730 bytes) image.

But I need you help to fix two last problems:
1) I need connect keyboard. I have K7637.50 keyboard. I have connect it to connector at right side of A5120. Also I have connected black cable to 3nd connector from up (photo)
But I can't enter anything. I think I need a special disk image with support serial keyboard.
2) My ABS K7024 video memory started from 0xF800. But SCP try to use video memory from 0xFC00 (see screenshot). How I can change SCP settings?
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